
to reduce hepatitis C infections

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Taking hepatitis C seriously is sexy. It means that you’re taking good care of yourself and your sex partners. There is quite a lot you can do to reduce the risk of hepatitis C transmission. See for yourself which of our tips fit with your sex life.

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Inflammation of the liver

Hepatitis means ‘inflamed liver’. Hepatitis is usually caused by a virus. The virus that causes hepatitis C is called the “hepatitis C virus” (Hep C, HCV).

A serious STI

If you do not treat hepatitis C, it can lead to liver disease and liver cancer in the future. If you are HIV positive, liver damage is likely to happen sooner.

The difference between hepatitis A, B and C

Hepatitis A, B, and C all infect the liver, but there are some important differences between the three. Read more

Geno types

There are six important Geno types of hepatitis C. Gay men in the Netherlands mostly get infected with Geno type 1, 2 or 4. The treatment is the same for these Geno types. Today, almost anyone can be cured of hepatitis C.

Inflammation of the liver

Hepatitis means ‘inflamed liver’. Hepatitis is usually caused by a virus. The virus that causes hepatitis C is called the “hepatitis C virus” (HepC, HCV).

A serious STI

If you do not treat hepatitis C, it can lead to liver disease and liver cancer in the future. If you are HIV positive, liver damage is likely to happen sooner.

The difference between hepatitis A, B and C

Hepatitis A, B, and C all infect the liver, but there are some important differences between the three.


There are six important genotypes of hepatitis C. Gay men in the Netherlands mostly get infected with genotype 1, 2 or 4. The treatment is the same for these genotypes. Today, almost anyone can be cured of hepatitis C.

Symptoms of a recently acquired hepatitis C infection

The first stage of a hepatitis C infection is called ‘recently hepatitis C’ by doctors. This stage lasts about six months. Although most people do not experience any symptoms, it’s good to know which symptoms can point to a recently acquired infection.

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C

Officially, it will be clear after six months if your body has or hasn’t got rid of the virus. If your body hasn’t got rid of it by then, the infection is called “chronic”. About half of those with chronic hepatitis C infection experience symptoms. The number of symptoms may increase as time passes.

Long-term effects of hepatitis C

If hepatitis C is not treated, the virus can cause severe liver damage after ten to thirty years of infection.

You will usually know if hepatitis C occurs in your sexual network. For example because

  • a fuck buddy has had hepatitis C
  • a friend or a more distant person who ‘fishes in the same pond of men’ as you, has got infected with hepatitis C

Risk or not?
You are more likely to run into hepatitis C if you
– are fucked without a condom
– like fisting (active/passive) or ass play (passive)

The chance of an infection increases if you
– do this during group sex, sex parties or afters
– use chems

Men living with HIV are the most likely to contract hepatitis C. This STI is also found more often among HIV negative men who use (or want to use) PrEP.

Learn more about how hepatitis C is transmitted here. And here you can get advice on whether or not to test.

Among HIV positive men especially

It is mostly HIV positive men that get hepatitis C through sex.

But also among HIV negative men

HIV negative men also get hepatitis C through sex. Hepatitis C is somewhat more commonly found among men who use (or wish to start using) PrEP

Important messages– Hepatitis C can live in blood, sperm, rectal fluid and poo particles (feces). Blood particles aren’t always visible.
– Hepatitis C can spread through the residue of lube from anal sex.
– The virus appears able to survive for up to six weeks at room temperature on steel, plastic and rubber, and in lube.
– As a top, you can transfer the virus from one bottom to the next without being aware of it.
– Wounds or damage to the mucous membrane can make it easier for hepatitis C to enter the body.
– Damage occurs quite easily during anal sex. STIs can also cause minor injuries or sores.
– Taking chems through the ass affects your mucous membranes, which makes hepatitis C transmission easier.
– Sharing drug-taking equipment also carries a risk of hepatitis C transmission.

What are the risk factors?

Scientific research has identified a number of risk factors for the transmission of hepatitis C.

Where does the virus live?

Hepatitis C can live in blood, sperm, rectal fluid and poo particles. Hepatitis C can spread through the residue of lube from anal sex.

The top as the “vector” (carrier) of the virus

If you’re a bottom, you can get hepatitis C from another bottom during a sex party without having sex with him.

Important messages:– There is quite a lot you can do to reduce the risk of transmitting hepatitis C. Even if you don’t use condoms.
– On this page you will find 13 general tips for reducing the risk, and additional tips for nine specific situations.
– See if our recommendations work for you.

C WhatYouCanDo!

The top 13 recommendations

  1. Always use your own anal douche. Need to use someone else’s anal douche? Then make sure you know how to disinfect.
  2. Always use your own jar or bottle of lube. Make sure your sex partner washes and disinfects his hands before picking up your jar or bottle of lube.
  3. Fucking: condoms reduce the risk of transmitting hepatitis C and other STIs. Don’t use condoms? Then don’t let anyone come inside you, and make sure you don’t get sperm on your anus.
  4. Ass play: only use your own dildos/toys in your ass. Never share toys. Make sure no one else’s lube gets on your toys. Want to share toys anyway? Then make sure you know how to disinfect
  5. Fisting: gloves reduce the risk of hepatitis C. Degrease AND disinfect your hands and forearms immediately after fisting, even if you wear gloves.
  6. Chems: do not share straws, syringes, needles, meth pipes, or other drug-use equipment.
  7. When you are the bottom, lay on your own towel. Never share towels.
  8. Degrease and disinfect the sling, bench or play sheet before you lay or sit on it. And before laying down, place your towel over it.
  9. Taking a break during sex?
    -Wash your crotch and ass with a mild soap or wash gel and rinse thoroughly with water.This will prevent you from leaving traces of lube on the play sheet, chairs, etc., and therefore reduce the risk of passing on the virus.
    -Don’t forget to wash your pubic hair and balls. Remember that there can also be lube under your cockring.Note: never use disinfectants on your cock or ass. They can irritate your mucous membranes. Washing your cock and ass with a mild soap or wash gel and rinsing thoroughly is the most you can do there to reduce the risk of spreading hepatitis C.
  10. No matter how careful you are, you can still be at risk: accidents can happen. Therefore, test for hepatitis C every three to six months, even if you use risk reduction strategies.
  11. Test for other STIs too, It’s easier to get infected with hepatitis C if you have another STI.
  12. Infected? Get early treatment. It is often possible to start treatment early. Once you are cured, you cannot pass on the virus anymore.
  13. Infected? Warn all your sex partners so that they too can get tested. Count at least six months back from the date of your diagnosis. By warning your partners, you can prevent the virus from ping-ponging back and forth within your sexual network.

Important messages:

When fucking or fisting, wash and disinfect your hands (and forearms) before changing partner or role (top/bottom).
– Clean and disinfect the “play area” as well before changing partner or role (top/bottom).
– Do not share dildos/toys or anal douches. Need to use someone else’s? Then make sure you know how to disinfect these.
– Never use disinfectants on your cock or ass.
– Perfect cleanliness and disinfection won’t always be possible. But better to try than to do nothing at all. Talk to each other about this before having sex.

Why disinfect?

Hepatitis C survives outside the body for longer than HIV. The virus seems able to survive for up to six weeks at room temperature on materials such as steel, plastic and rubber. Lubricant with hepatitis C can also get on your skin while playing.

When should you disinfect?

Each time you change partner or change role (top/bottom) you clean and disinfect

  • the play area
  • hands and forearms (after fucking, ass play and fisting)
  • dildos and toys (if you wish to share them)

Which disinfectant?

Not every disinfectant kills hepatitis C. We have made a list of disinfectants that are suitable for killing hepatitis C quickly.

Click here how to disinfect

You want more information?

For all information regarding the Hepatitis C please visit the website of NoMoreC. On this website you will find all the institutions and addresses for more information, tests and other relevant information about this topic. Click the logo for info.